Ready to save time and grow your business?


Meet Kensey

I'm a skilled Virtual Assistant who's well versed in many administrative tasks, design work, and social media. My experience has taught me to adapt to different work environments and manage my time well. I'm a highly organized and efficient person with a passion for crossing things off a list!


  • Administrative

    Leave your administrative work to me so you can focus on high priority tasks.

  • Social Media

    Create a brand for your business and attract customers with stunning, professional graphics.

  • Creative

    Design help ranging from social media graphics to web page creation.

What People Are Saying


Kensey is an incredible VA that I absolutely love working with. I set up the processes and task descriptions, and she knocks it out the park every time without needing any guidance. She is responsive and professional at every turn. Looking forward to continually using her services and adding to the scope of work as we grow!

— Sean Adams, Leveraged Life Management

Kensey is a very skilled virtual assistant. She did some good work with us throughout her time with g2Coach and we wish her the absolute best in her future endeavors.

— g2coach